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Montessori British School

Are you in search of a school for your child?



    MBS · Todos los espacios del Montessori British School son obras de arte, que contagian a los estudiantes con su creatividad.

    Education is the most important gift you will give your child, as it will define their life. And your visit to an educational institution is key, since in it you will be able to observe if there is actually coherence between "what is said and what is done." Hence, it is essential you choose a school according to what you want and you look for clues that guide you so that you can verify that the aforementioned coherence exists.

    To illustrate this process, we visited Montessori British School, a Bogota-based school famous for its high academic excellence and the level of its students. The latter result from a philosophy that turns children into creative beings and problem-solvers of any kind, in an innovative and different way. For the largest companies in the world, this quality is very important. And upon visiting the school facilities, we were able to verify that, undoubtedly, from the moment they enter the premises, students are immersed in a creative world, for its classrooms are new and original, as are its corridors and surroundings.

    El Montessori British School enfatiza en la expresión corporal, lo cual permite que sus estudiantes creen más conexiones neuronales y se vuelvan seres más inteligentes. Como Sherlock Holmes, estuvimos en sus instalaciones y nos encontramos con un hermoso teatro y muchos afiches de las presentaciones artísticas, ya famosas por su calidad. Es claro que lo que el colegio dice es lo que vive. Algunos de los otros espacios sorprendentes que hallamos fueron un estudio de televisión, una sala de edición, salas de robótica para estudiantes desde preescolar hasta secundaria, salas de cine, laboratorios y mucho más. Esto es otro cumplimiento de su promesa: en su búsqueda de estudiantes integrales, constatamos que estos conocen y aprenden de todo.

    Montessori British School emphasizes body expression, allowing its students to create more neural connections and become more intelligent beings. Just like Sherlock Holmes, we visited the school grounds and found a beautiful theater and many posters of past artistic performances, already famous for their quality. Clearly, what this school says is what this school lives. Some of the other amazing spaces we found were a television studio, an editing room, robotics rooms for students from preschool to high school, movie theaters, laboratories, and much more. This is another fulfillment of its promise: in its search for well-rounded students, we find out that here children know about and learn from everything.
    Finally, in this institution, students learn 4 languages ​​(English, Mandarin, French, and Spanish) in decorated rooms specialized in each of them. We were surprised to find about the existence of a magical library, like something out of a fairytale, with books in all languages ​​and an honest cult of knowledge.

    This brief tour leaves us a lesson: it is sometimes necessary to become Sherlock Holmes to verify "if what is said is what is done" in a school in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. Thus, you and your children can feel happy and calm about becoming part of a school like Montessori British School, the one you always dreamed of.


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