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Montessori British School

Our education is admired in England

    MBS · Todos los espacios del Montessori British School son obras de arte, que contagian a los estudiantes con su creatividad.

    Entering this school suffices to begin a journey through history and learning. Each place, space, hall, and object has been designed in such a way that the student or visitor will feel like they are in a museum that pays tribute to the grand characters of the great events of world history. In my adventure, I found out that each classroom’s different aspect fosters the ability to assume a participatory role in each environment: in the United Nations Hall, for example, the students feel like delegates from each country, in search of agreements between the parties, debating and participating in an auditorium similar to that of the UN.

    It felt like traveling around the world, but without spending hours and hours on a plane. All in one place, at the Montessori British School, I arrived in China after just a few steps. It was great to get to know the Mandarin classrooms: the way in which the environment replicated the ancient temples and the language in which the students communicated made you think that you were living within that culture, one very different from that of Colombians. Then, without going very far, I plunged into the deep blue sea of the Cousteau classroom: a tribute to the great explorer of aquatic life forms, decorated as a meeting place for animals and plants never before seen on Earth. The small protagonists, with their lab coats, carrying out all kinds of experiments.

    At the end of the day, I had already been to different places of the planet and had learned about different cultures. Getting to know the styles and ways of life of other people, I had traveled to the most remote places and had heard different languages. I speak of a different kind of feeling, because everything there had been designed for the enrichment of the student’s learning process; and then I said to myself: "What an interesting place that combines all elements to teach the students what they have to know.” The result: very well-prepared and multilingual young people, thirsty for curiosity and creativity.

    Traveling through the world of history, nature, the universe, and culture is possible in one place: exactly, in this school, at the Montessori British School. Here, where the impossible is possible, history and knowledge become a daily and fundamental component of your life. Are you and your children ready to embark on this new adventure?


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