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Montessori British School

Montessori British School


Our essential teaching method is based on the Montessori school guidelines. Our students achieve happiness by learning in a playful way and implementing their intellectual, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, physical, moral, and aesthetic education in living spaces and environments designed to stimulate, motivate, and enhance the spectrum of their multiple intelligences (linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic). All of the above, with the support of physical resources (such as manuals, teaching aids, and specialized instruments for each area of ​​knowledge) and human resources (characterized by their high degree of professional qualifications and ethical and moral suitability).

We developed a multilingual environment (encompassing Spanish, English, French, and Mandarin), without disregarding the validity and pre-eminence of our mother tongue and national cultural values. We train citizens of a country, while simultaneously preparing the active and transformative participation of our students as citizens of a global and multicultural society. Thus, our education incorporates, promotes, and implements universal human values with​​in our local social and familiar environments, highlighting the respect for freedom of worship and expression. This provides our students with a comprehensive education and with social responsibility and commitment to the great challenges of today's society.

We developed a multilingual environment (encompassing Spanish, English, French, and Mandarin), without disregarding the validity and pre-eminence of our mother tongue and national cultural values.

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Our institution's essential teaching method is based on the Montessori school principles.

Based on the Montessori school, and on solid and true values, our education guarantees a full development of the human personality. The institutional values that encourage a comprehensive upbringing at the Montessori British School are synthesized in the acrostic of the word Montessori, one of our symbols of identity and belonging.

Our aim is to raise well-rounded students with high academic levels in all domains of knowledge.

Montessori British School


The Montessori British School is committed to fulfilling its mission, in order to provide our students with the necessary knowledge for the journey of their lives. Our goal is to train well-rounded students with a high academic level in all areas of knowledge; this is why they must excel from end to end, promoting and emphasizing a specific skill that they could apply through the whole of their professional and personal lives.

This is how and why a strategic plan is born, wherein these skills developed in the school and the tools through which we offer them as knowledge for the future success and accomplishment of the students' dreams are all broken down one by one.

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Montessori British School


We are a co-educational, international, multilingual, and intercultural institution. Our primary objective is to bring up human beings endowed with values, critical thinking, and commitment to the social reality of our country and the world. In consequence, we base our educational methods on the following aspects: 

We teach with creativity. Our students are always pushed to do innovative work that reflects their critical thinking. We have original physical premises, which, much like a museum, inspire learning.

Our school encompasses rainbowlike intelligences and values. We teach across different intelligences (linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, corporal-kinesthetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic) and cultural values, seeking to develop them through the subjects we teach.

All the processes of our organization are structured, measurable, and applicable at the time of making the right decisions, always in search of continuous improvement. Likewise, we teach and demand organization from our students, as we believe it essential for them to succeed.

We maintain our students’ expectations high and constant, for our methodology allows them to learn by living real experiences, applying new technologies, and positively impacting their community.

We focus on new cultures and languages. We learn and teach in four languages (English, French, Mandarin, and Spanish), besides attending to the cultural values they convey.

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